Our Goal

Our vision is to create a society in which no student is denied a decent education due to financial hardship, and no one sleeps hungry. In addition, we want to help those who are unable to afford their medical bills.

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All humans are God’s creation. It is our societal obligation to work diligently and obtain necessary information from various prison authorities, as well as to conduct a complete investigation. Following the conclusion of this exercise, we will compile a list of those prisoners who appear to be innocent, have served their sentences, but have been unable to request bail due to a lack of funds. Al Haidery Charitable will play a key role in ensuring that such convicts are released as soon as possible.
“Darkness cannot drive darkness; Light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; Love can do that.” Martin Luther King (1963)
“Hate the crime, not the criminal – Mahatma Gandhi

● Due to their intrinsic dignity and value as human beings, all prisoners must be treated with respect
● Discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other beliefs, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status is prohibited
● With the involvement and assistance of the community and social institutions, and with proper consideration for the interests of victims, favorable conditions for the ex-reintegration prisoners into society under the best possible conditions must be created
● Prisoners must have equal access to all healthcare services provided in the country, regardless of their legal status
● Conditions must be developed that allow prisoners to engage in meaningful remunerated work, allowing them to reintegrate into the country’s labor market and contribute to their own and their families’ financial well-being

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Donation Total: ₹5.00